Your package has left our warehouse and you want to track your delivery in more detail. Our delivery services offer you a tracking of your package.
- For Colissimo delivery, you can track your package on the website with your package tracking number. This number is sent to you by e-mail when your package is shipped and is available in your customer account, under "My orders" then "View order".
- For the delivery in Mondial Relay, you can follow your parcel on the website with your tracking number. This number is sent to you by e-mail when your package is shipped and is available in your customer account, under the heading "My orders" then "View order".
- For Chronopost delivery, you can track your package on the website with your tracking number. This number is sent to you by e-mail when your parcel is shipped and is available in your customer account, heading "My orders" then "View order".